I’m not sure if my spouse is cheating on me, can you tell me the clear signs of a cheating spouse so I can consider private investigation?
1 Answers
The following are some of the signs that your spouse may be cheating:
- Spouse keeps that distant look in his eyes… like even when he’s with you he isn’t
- Cheating Spouse starts having new hobbies and you’re not included in them
- Cheating Spouse hides cell phone bills or the credit card statements
- Cheating spouse is often “unreachable” while at work or away on the road.
- Cheating Spouse erases the history files of the computer every night.
- Husband or wife starts working late a lot.
- Cellular phone bills contain calls with very long duration
- Cheating spouse has suspicious voice-mail messages on his/ her cell phone
- Spouse whispers and then hangs up the phone when you enter the room.
- Cheating husband or wife has suspicious cell phone numbers stored or dialed
- Has email accounts you didn’t know about- and changed his passwords to the ones you do know about
- He blows up at you for the slightest thing and then leaves the house for hours.
- Cheating Spouse does not return your cell phone calls are not returned in timely fashion
- You get hang-up calls at home.
- Cheating spouse now begins to use a calling card or a phone card
- Husband or wife buys a new car and suddenly spends a lot of time away from home alone
- Internet web browser history list (this is a record of web sites visited) is always empty or contains explicit web sites
- Unexplained payments on Cheating Spouses bank statement
- Cheating spouse is suddenly deleting his e-mail messages
- Cheating Husband or Cheating Wife spouse has more cash on than ever before without accountability
- Husband starts having a boys’ night out and never has before.
- Sudden increase in time away from home
- Cheating spouse exits house to talk on his cellular phone
- Cheating spouse wants to attend new work related functions and wants to go alone
- Cheating Spouses are often day dreaming and distracted
- Mileage on spouses car is high despite they didn’t need to travel far
- You meet spouses co-workers and they act nervous while around you
- Discreet use of the cellular phone
- Lack of sexual interest